
Air pollutants sources and effects

Air pollutants sources and effects  Air pollution is mainly caused due to two reasons first humans and second due to air pollutants present in the atmosphere. And if you want to control or stop pollution in air, first you have to know about air pollutants, their sources and its effect. When you get full and complete information about their sources. Then you will recognise the real cause and will be able to control it. Through this article we conveyed air pollutants full information from where they are generated and how they will affect you and your family. Let's start Air pollutants sources and effects CO ( carbon monoxide) It is colorless, odorless, tasteless gas, chemically inert under normal condition of temperature and pressure. It has no effect at normal concentration (0.1 ppm) but at higher concentration it is seriously affects  the human metabolism. Sources a) CO reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of blood by reacting with hemoglobin and cause giddiness, laziness and exhaus

Ultimate guide of 4R Principle

Ultimate guide of 4R Principle  Evolution is a part of life. Today humans are trying to make their function more advanced than existing ones. One of such advanced version is 4R principles which is better than 3R principle. We all know that 3R contain 3 stages to tackle waste management problem. But in 4R there is an additional one stage to manage the waste produce. We tried to explain elaborately the all the four stages in this article. We also discussed about their logical sequence because implementation is more important than theory. If you want to know more Let's dive in 4R principle For any waste management system, following 4R which is jointly called "4R concept" is used to achieve the objectives of waste minimization and resource conservation. Reduce Reuse Recycle Recover  Reduce Reduce is to limit the amount of waste created at the source. Reducing the waste at the source means to buy only what we really need - there will be no waste to treat , when there is no wa

Ultimate Applications Of 4R'S Principal/ Which You Can Do.

Ultimate Applications Of 4R'S Principal/ Which You Can Do. Practical work is always difficult than theory . When we read about any theory on conserving or saving environment .  We are inspired by that. But we don't know how to apply these ways or concepts in our lifestyle. Similarly we learn about 4R'S principle and how it help in managing the waste . But when we try to use 4R'S principal in our life routine, we get confused. In this article we tried to to convey you the real life applications of 4R'S principal. Through which management of waste become super easy. Before starting it application let us just recall basic definition of 4R'S. Applications of 4 R'S principles Reduce The best way to keep solid waste out of the waste stream is to reduce it at it source i.e. Source reduction.  There are many ways to achieve source reduction at personal level and institutional level. The number of them are listed below 1) Use of paper can be reduced, paper is used o

Benifits Of Water Conservation / What You Need To Know

Benifits Of Water Conservation / What You Need To Know Why will any individual conserve or save the water ? They will need any advantage and benefit for that . Here in this article we try to aware the mankind (you) about benefits of water conservation. Let's start Water is basic need of homosapiens as well as for other organisms. In earth which is loaded with 70% of water has only 1% of that 70% which is drinkable water. Due to water pollution, wastage and improper management " the blue planet" is facing water crisis. According to WHO Around 785 million people are not even getting the basic drinkable water. And 144 million people depend upon water bodies for their daily use. Due to pollution around 2 billion people are impotent it to drink contaminated water. Up to 2025 half of population will face water shortage.  So it is mankind's responsibility take steps to save the water through  different ways. They can conserve water in their day to day life. But for that homo

Classification Of Bio Medical Waste / In-Depth Guide

Classification Of Bio Medical Waste / In-Depth Guide Do you know classification of bio medical waste happened three times ? And in each and every time it is divided into different sections of categories depend upon different characteristics observation. In this article we will discuss each and every classification of biomedical waste with there examples. Mainly biomedical waste divider in 1988 , 1998 and by WHO . In 1988 it was mainly divided into four categories, in 1998 divided in ten sections and by WHO it is divided in eight parts . In last we also discussed about their sources. We also tried to define biomedical waste in start to explain its exactly meaning . Let's drive in. What exactly Bio medical waste means ? Bio medical waste is defined as any waste which is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human being or animals or research activities. It includes waste likes  Sharps Disposables Anatomical waste Cultures Discarded medicined Chemical waste 

Water Pollution In Rivers Of Gujarat / An Ultimate Guide

Water Pollution In Rivers Of Gujarat / An Ultimate Guide For water Gujarat depends upon 185 river basins. We are going to discuss water pollution in rivers of Gujarat . According to the recent report of Times of India   placed Gujarat on 4th rank in water pollution in rivers in India. Gujarat has large number of rivers but we going mainly discussed about water pollution in four main rivers sabarmati ,narmada ,tapi and mahi. We also tried to elaborate the main sources of pollution in this river. In last we also discussed how the Gujarat government is taking steps to stop pollution. We also tried to aware you about how  to reduce the pollution in River by various simple but effective ways. Let's start Rivers Of Gujarat , In which Water Pollution Is Present Sabarmati river From 371 kilometre, 323 kilometre length of sabarmati river is present in Gujarat. Rest of the river is present in Rajasthan. It is generated in Aravalli range in udaipur district , Rajasthan. And gets deposited i

Urbanization Effects On Environment / Good Or Bad ?

Urbanization Effects On Environment / Good Or Bad ? What are the harmful effects of urbanization on environment ? How will it damage the environment upto 2050 ? What are its environmental impacts ? If you want exact and simple answer of above-mentioned queries. You are at the right place. At present large population of rural areas is shifting towards the cities or urban areas. And in 2050, 68% of the world population will live in the metro policies. Which will damage the environment and creating harmful risk on human health. But it also have some positive aspects or impact on the environment too . In this article we will discuss both aspects. Let's start Urbanization effects on environment Increment in growth rate of population of humans in the urban areas or metropolis is known as urbanisation. According to an intimation of world's scientists are estimating that 68% of world population will shift in urban areas of big metropolish till 2050. Almost 2.5 billion people will shif

Most harmful effects of e waste on environment

Most harmful effects of e waste on environment Why e waste is referred as toxic bomb ? What are the harmful effects of e waste on environment?  E waste is affecting environment harmful and creating health risks for humans from a long time.  Due to the present changing and innovating technology making the situation hectic and real threatening. Do you want to know about  it's root cause and it's dangerous consequence on environment ?  Reason behind harmful effects of e waste on environment is "consumer mind set". Present day consumers want there instruments/gadgets with advanced technology. And all of us know that it is not possible. Because we know that technology is changing day by day. This effect on the e  waste generation rate how it gone  be happen ? For that keep reading this article. In last we tried to discuss about the role of society towards e waste generation . That topic is my personal favorite. Let's start Harmful effects of e waste on environment. W