Air pollutants sources and effects

Air pollutants sources and effects  Air pollution is mainly caused due to two reasons first humans and second due to air pollutants present in the atmosphere. And if you want to control or stop pollution in air, first you have to know about air pollutants, their sources and its effect. When you get full and complete information about their sources. Then you will recognise the real cause and will be able to control it. Through this article we conveyed air pollutants full information from where they are generated and how they will affect you and your family. Let's start Air pollutants sources and effects CO ( carbon monoxide) It is colorless, odorless, tasteless gas, chemically inert under normal condition of temperature and pressure. It has no effect at normal concentration (0.1 ppm) but at higher concentration it is seriously affects  the human metabolism. Sources a) CO reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of blood by reacting with hemoglobin and cause giddiness, laziness and e...

Classification Of Bio Medical Waste / In-Depth Guide

Classification Of Bio Medical Waste / In-Depth Guide

Classification of biomedical waste

Do you know classification of bio medical waste happened three times ?

And in each and every time it is divided into different sections of categories depend upon different characteristics observation.

In this article we will discuss each and every classification of biomedical waste with there examples.

Mainly biomedical waste divider in 1988 , 1998 and by WHO.

In 1988 it was mainly divided into four categories, in 1998 divided in ten sections and by WHO it is divided in eight parts.

In last we also discussed about their sources.
We also tried to define biomedical waste in start to explain its exactly meaning.

Let's drive in.

What exactly Bio medical waste means ?

Bio medical waste is defined as any waste which is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human being or animals or research activities.

It includes waste likes 

  • Sharps
  • Disposables
  • Anatomical waste
  • Cultures
  • Discarded medicined
  • Chemical waste  etc.

This waste is potentially hazardous the main hazard being infections and may pose a serious threat to human health if its management is indiscriminate and unscientific.

Biomedical waste is sometimes also referred as a Healthcare waste

Classification of biomedical waste 

Biomedical waste or health Care waste classified three times in the history

  • In 1988 guideline for waste
  • In 1998 also in guideline for waste
  • By WHO

1998 classification

In practice it is very difficult to identify and segregate each article of medical waste from the solid waste stream. 

Therefore, the medical waste is categorized into group, which are amenable two specific treatments/disposal methods. 

As per biomedical waste ( management and handling ) rules.

In 1998 the biomedical waste has been grouped into the following 10 categories

  • Human anatomical waste
  • Animal waste
  • Microbiology and biotechnology waste
  • Waste sharps
  • Discarded medicines and cytotoxic drugs
  • Soiled waste
  • Solid waste
  • Liquid waste
  • Incineration Ash
  • Chemical waste 

Human anatomical waste

Wastes like damaged human tissues, organs and body part etc ,are known as human anatomical wastes.

When any human organ aur body part is damaged due to disease or infections like Appendicitis , acute cholecystitis and damage in kidney etc.

To avoid  infections or cure the disease from the human . It is very necessary to take out that damage the body part through surgery.

After surgical removal of organs, it is became bio medical waste which came under this category.

Animal waste

The waste which is obtained from research on animals, veterinary hospital, college, discharge from hospital, animal houses is known as animal waste.

 It include animal tissues organs and body parts , carcasses, bleeding part, fluid, blood etc.

This type of bio medical waste is also generate due to surgical removal of damaged animal body parts due to any disease.

Animal wastes are also produced due to animal slaughter houses . The portion of body which not able sell , is damped and become waste.

Microbiological and biotechnology waste

Waste from laboratory cultures, stocks are specimens of microscope organisms, live or attenuated vaccines, human and animal cell cultures used in research.

And infectious agents from the research an industrial laboratories, wastes from production of biological, toxins, dishes and device used for transfer of cultures.

All this came under the microbiology and biotechnology waste category.

Waste sharps

Needles ,syringes , scalpels, blades, glass etc. That may cause puncture and cuts. This includes both used and unused sharps are came under this category during classification of biomedical Waste.

This waste induced in hospital, nursing home ,clinic and health care during treatment of care of patients.

Discarded medicines and cytotoxic drugs

In this category ,waste like outdated and expired and contaminated, discarded medicines at present.

Soiled waste

Items contaminated with blood and body fluids include cotton, dressings, soiled plaster casts, beddings, other materials contaminated with blood at present in the soiled waste.

This waste also induced in hospitals nursing homes, clinics and health care during treatment or care of patients.

Solid waste

Waste generated from disposal items other than the wastes sharps such as tubings ,  catheters and intravenous set are come under this category.

Liquid waste

waste generated from laboratory and washing ,cleaning ,housekeeping and disinfectant activities in the hospital , nursing homes and clinic  known as liquid waste.

Incineration Ash

The Ash which obtained after the incineration process of biomedical Waste  came under the incineration Ash waste.

Chemical waste

Chemical used in disinfectant, cleaning of damaged body part and use during the treatment of cut or puncture of any part of body came under the chemical waste category.

1988 classification

In 1988 medical waste tracking act divided medical waste in four types

  • Hazardous waste
  • Infectious waste
  • Radioactive waste
  • General waste

Hazardous waste

Hazardous waste includes those waste which are able to harm the human but not by infection or contaminating them.

Hazardous waste harm the human by slashing ,cutting and puncturing in the skin, tissue and organs.

 It include

  • Needles
  • Sringes
  • Blades
  • Glass
  • Scalpels etc.

Infectious waste

This type of biomedical waste includes humans dressing, blood  , human or animal tissue and damaged body parts.

This type of waste contained dangerous infectious agents with them. When humans come in contact with this type of waste it will bring disease and can help to get long bills for treatment.

Radioactive waste

Their are various diseases which treated by radioactive isotopes of elements  disease like cancer is common example.

So when the tools or machines become waste, which were used in the radioactive treatments like chemotherapy theory .

These types of waste are very dangerous for human. It can cause very harmful diseases like cancer and also responsible for death.

General waste

General waste includes

  • Washing powder
  • Housekeeping
  • Patient cloth
  • Fruit waste ---
  • Polythene
  • Wrappers of medicines etc.

Up to 80 to 85% of the biomedical waste came in this category.
It can not cause any type of disease and infection to humans or any other living organisms.

Classification by WHO

 Who divided medical waste in eight types

  • Infectious waste
  • Pathological waste
  • Sharps waste
  • Chemical waste
  • Pharmaceutical waste
  • Cytotoxic waste
  • Radioactive waste
  • General waste

Infectious waste

 It includes

  • Contaminated blood
  • Bleeding body parts
  • Animal and human tissues
  • Organs
  • Bandages
  • Dressing cottons Etc.

Sharps waste

It includes

  • Needles
  • Challenges
  • Blade
  • Glasses
  • Anatomical instruments etc.

Pathological waste

It includes

  • Damaged Body parts
  • Bleeding organs
  • Animal tissue
  • Human tissue
  • Carcasses
  • Organs etc

Chemical waste

It includes

  • All disinfectants
  • Washing powder

In chemical used in the hospitals and clinics etc

Pharmaceutical waste

  • Outdated expired medicine
  • Contaminated medicines
  • Discharged medicine etc.

Genotoxic waste

 It includes

Radioactive waste

It includes the radioactive materials which used during the treatment of patients.

General waste

It includes

  • Fruit peels
  • Waste food
  • Non hazardous packaging
  • Polythene

All the non hazardous waste came in this category.


We discussed about all the three classification of biomedical waste  with there  examples .

According to us it's very necessary to understand characteristics of your enemy to fight against them similarly.

 If you want to fight against the biomedical waste then proper understanding about their characteristics is  necessary.

We have to first learn about its basic properties and effects through various ways.

To give more or full details we also tried to provide the sources of bio waste in last to understand from where does this medical waste came from ?

If you have any queries about this or any other topic comment down below.

We will try to solve your query in comment section.

Because " You matter the most"  .


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